Paul Scerri Confort is a refreshing solution for those experiencing discomfort and heaviness in their legs. The Refreshing Gel is a blend of plant extracts such as ivy, fennel, and horsetail, and essential oils including mint, pine, cypress, fennel, and sage.
This unique combination offers rapid relief, lightening heavy legs, and instantly erasing fatigue. The gel's non-greasy formula absorbs quickly, leaving your legs feeling fresh, light, and comfortable for extended periods. It's an ideal choice for those seeking to alleviate the first signs of discomfort and restore the beauty and wellbeing of their legs.

Confort Légèreté des Jambes Gel Rafraîchissant

Confort Légèreté des Jambes Gel Rafraîchissant
Ein flüssiges, nicht fettiges Gel, das schnell einzieht, ohne Rückstände zu hinterlassen und sofortige Linderung für schwere Beine bietet, die Ermüdung sofort verschwinden lässt. Enthält Pflanzenextrakte wie Efeu, Fenchel und Schachtelhalm sowie ätherische Öle von Minze, Kiefer, Zypresse, Fenchel und Salbei.

Confort Légèreté des Jambes Gel Rafraîchissant
Un gel fluido e non unto che penetra rapidamente senza lasciare alcun residuo, fornendo un rapido sollievo alle gambe pesanti ed eliminando istantaneamente la stanchezza. Contiene estratti di piante come l'edera, il finocchio e la coda cavallina, e oli essenziali di menta, pino, cipresso, finocchio e salvia.

Confort Légèreté des Jambes Gel Rafraîchissant
Un gel fluide et non gras qui pénètre rapidement sans laisser de résidu, offrant un soulagement rapide pour les jambes lourdes et effaçant instantanément la fatigue. Contient des extraits de plantes tels que le lierre, le fenouil et la prêle, ainsi que des huiles essentielles de menthe, de pin, de cyprès, de fenouil et de sauge.

Confort Légèreté des Jambes Gel Rafraîchissant
A fluid, non-greasy gel that quickly penetrates without leaving any residue, providing rapid relief for heavy legs and instantly erasing fatigue. Contains plant extracts like ivy, fennel, and horsetail, and essential oils of mint, pine, cypress, fennel, and sage.